Deposit system for take away packaging

New Loop wins SDG Tech Awards - Sustainable cities

New Loop has been named the winner of Sustainable Cities at the SDG Tech Awards!

As an impact startup with the goal of eliminating single-use packaging, we are truly honored to win in this category! With over 400 nominees and ambitious co-finalists in our category, we are immensely grateful for the award.

Environmentally friendly coffee cups for your company?

Coffee keeps the workplace running smoothly. People gather around the coffee machine, socialize with colleagues, and a good coffee can brighten up an otherwise hectic morning.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to wash their own coffee cups, and in many places, disposable cups are used out of necessity.

Let New Loop take care of delivering, collecting, and washing your coffee cups so they can be used again and again.

Our cups have a lower CO2 footprint already by the second wash, compared to a double-walled disposable cup.

These cups are without deposit and remain within your company, providing a fantastic alternative to disposable cups.

Miljøvenlig emballage til take away

Environmentally friendly take away packaging

New Loop offers various products for take-away. Once a customer has received food or similar in take-away packaging, it is out of the hands of the supplier.

Therefore, New Loop offers our circular deposit system where the user pays a deposit for the packaging at purchase and can subsequently return the reusable packaging at a New Loop return point.

If the packaging ends up in nature or on the street, there will be others motivated to return it.

We can activate and deactivate the deposit on our packaging individually, so you do not need to have a large value sitting in stock. Read more about our reusable cups and reusable packaging.

Miljøvenlig emballage til events

Events without single-use packaging

New Loop has provided single-use packaging for several events and festivals in Denmark. For example, in 2023, we supplied coffee cups with a deposit system for the Climate People's Meeting and the Roskilde Festival.

If you have an event or festival that needs reusable, food-grade packaging, you can read more about it here.

Also, check out our deposit cups, deposit mugs, bowls, etc., on our product page, as an alternative to disposable cups, disposable coffee cups, and other single-use packaging and to-go cups.

See our products

Curious to see what New Loop has to offer? Take a look at our wide range of environmentally friendly and reusable packaging solutions.

From our insulated coffee cups to our eco-friendly salad bowls - we have everything you need to replace single-use packaging.

Explore our products and find the perfect solution that fits your needs.

See how the deposit system works

Our deposit system is designed to ensure that the majority of our packaging is returned to us. This allows us to wash and reuse the packaging multiple times, contributing to a significant reduction in waste. By reusing our products, we ensure that they have a longer lifespan, which is a core component of our commitment to sustainability.

When the packaging eventually reaches the end of its lifespan and can no longer be used, we ensure that the plastic is recycled. This plastic is transformed into new purposes, ensuring that the materials continue to be a valuable resource. This closed loop of recycling and reuse is a central part of our commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting a more sustainable future.